($0.00 shipping)
We will take orders for pink grapefruit until January 10, 2025.
You may also pay using cash app pay to (850) 633 7766 Ryder Laramore or zelle. Please follow up payment with email or phone call if using cash app so that we may contact you when fruit ships.
THEY ARRIVED AND THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS ! Thank you !!!! Couldn’t be happier ! All the best to you and your family , Peace and God’s Blessings
The Cherry Bunch ………
Hi Ryder,
My satsumas arrived. I’ve already eaten one….really good!
Thank you! I’ll order between Thanksgiving and Christmas next year.
Stay healthy,
Thank you so much! they arrived in great condition and we immediately dug in. We first discovered Satsumas at Trader Joe's a couple years ago, and fell in love. But they disappear so quickly from the store, which led me to the net to seek a direct ship option. Your satsumas are so much better! From now on I'm buying from you. :)
Thank you again,
Margaret Priddy
Thank you we received our oranges today. They are wonderful. Will order more next week. Donna pittman
Sent from my iPad
The oranges were delivered this morning. My mom and dad have already eaten one box before these they love them so dad had already eaten one as they got them. They were fine thanks so much you will probably see I order myself another box thanks
Sent from my iPad
They are delicious!
You may place order at anytime and we will ship when harvest begins and notify you when shipped . Currently ship U.S.P.S and box contains 25-50 peices of fruit depending on size. You will reieve within two to three days when shipped.
Bar L Citrus is located off Interstate 10 between Pensacola and Tallahassee. It is part of Bar L Ranch which is a well known Beef Cattle Operation The Ranch has been in operation by family since early 1900's and Citrus grove was planted in spring of 2003. Consist of 750 satsuma and Lee Tangerine trees.
All fruit is harvested by hand which is one of the steps we take to ensure quality. We practice Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) and have a Food Safety Audit completed begining of each harvest season by USDA.
Our packing facility is on-site and USDA approved for shipping and is another step in quality by processing and packing fruit same day as harvested.
Land is owned by Ryder Laramore who has residence on property. His father Herman Laramore previously owned and resided on property and his father Audie Laramore had originally bought property in middle of 1900's. Now land will go to 4th generation Landan Ryder Laramore.
Land is located at 4141 Laramore rd (County rd 278), Marianna, FL 32448 which is in Jackson County.
Welcome to visit anytime call ahead to be sure we are around property.
It is an old fashion tangerine that has zipper skin allowing easy peeling, sweet and basically seedless. They are part of the mandrian family and are very cold hardy trees survivie tempertures as low as 14F. Satsumas grown by Bar L are the best available due to the rich soil, hot summers and cold winters.
In 2018 Hurricane Micheal Hit with 150 mph winds trees remained in the ground but fruit was lost and trees were damaged.
He is now 7 and loves the outdoors!
The best satsumas!
They like to eat them and play....lol
Video of grove and property
In the begining of the 20th centuryJackson County was home to the Satsuma Industry. There were over 3000 acres in production in the 1920's and were shipped by railcar to cities in the north such as Chicogo. There were annual festivals attracting over 30,000 vistors. The area became known as satsuma capital of the world. However the depression came and groves were hit with severe freezes killing most of the trees and with no money available they were not replanted.
Agriculture research departments of University of Florida and Auburn University developed cold protection using microjets. It is accomplished by spraying trees with water and as it freezes produces heat maintaining 32 degrees which is not threatening to trees.
Information about satsumas in school lunch rooms
We love our customers, so feel free to visit anytime the months of November and December and purchase fresh box of satsumas, tangerines, navel oranges, lemons or grapefruit.
We are open daily the months of November and December or call ahead.
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